Weekly Digest – Week 1 – 15.01.2018 to 21.01.2018

  1. This week’s first place goes to this article about blogging made by Digital Marketer. It is mindblogging (Mindboggling article about blogging :D). Seldom do you get to read such a detailed article as a blogpost. You couldn’t have asked for more.

    Screenshot of the website DigitalMarketer
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    • Main structure of the article

      • The article starts off explaining the five types of blog content offers. A blog content offer is the ‘WHY’ behind your blogpost. Are you writing to create brand awareness or are you writing your blogpost to presell your product? May be you are just writing to engage with other people like you.

      • Then the article talks about the most important factor that determines conversions, i.e., does your traffic lead to sales or an increase in bounce rates?

      • The article then lists 6 steps to writing blog content that converts.

      • Finally, some tips on using Google analytics to measure clicks blogposts.

    • Main takeaways

      • Most of us shy away from blogging in the fear of not being able to write something read-worthy. For people like us, the list of different types of blogposts and how to write them is an important takeaway.

      • If you have no idea on how to write an eye-catching headline, an intriguing introduction or a tantalizing transition between paragraphs, this blogpost can help you get a basic idea on how to do all these.

        Read Digital Marketer’s article here

  2. The second place goes to the case study on blogger outreach by ‘I wanna be a blogger’.

    screenshot of the website www.iwannabeablogger.com
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    • Main structure of the case-study

      • This case-study is written by Michael Pozdnev, the owner of www.iwannabeablogger.com. It starts off explaining the reasons why you need to include a blogger outreach strategy in your marketing efforts.

      • Then Michael Pozdnev lists out the reasons why a traditional blogger outreach strategy doesn’t work anymore. I agree with him. With an average American worker getting 121 emails/day, the chances of people opening an email from a stranger is very slim.

      • Then he goes on to explain what his BFF Commenter technique is, and lists down the 6 steps to implement the BFF Commenter technique, followed by the results.

      • Finally, the list of necessary tools for blogger outreach.

    • Main takeaways

      • There is a reason why most of us are afraid of blogger outreach – the chance of succeeding are very, very low. However, with Michael’s method, you can easily reach out to those who are actually willing to share your article with their social media following thereby giving you more traffic, or willing to give you a link from their website thereby increasing your SERPs (Search engine ranking position).

      • Most people who start blogging give up because, after some time they get too lonely. They just don’t know where to go or what to do. Loneliness is a killer. Using this method, you not only get a link back to your website… You get a friend, even a potential JV partner.

      • I subscribed to his newsletter immediately because, this is what his email sign up form looked like. This is a pop-up, so if you have adblocker enabled, it may not work. Someone who extends the hand of friendship to someone in need can only mean good.

        Email sign up form ideas - www.Iwannabeablogger.com
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        Read Michael Pozdnev’s case study here

  3. Last but not the least, the article on 8 overlooked social media tactics that can increase conversion rates, by Kissmetrics.

    • Main structure of the case-study

      • This is basically a listicle.

    • Main takeaways

      • Just focus on one channel and master it instead of focusing on many channels and failing miserably. This is so obvious, yet so few of us ever follow it. Just focus on only one social media channel and master it.

      • The trick is not to integrate the social sharing websites in your blog, but to know when and where. If your content doesn’t get shared in social media, regardless of how good your content is, nobody will know about it. So, it is important to place the social sharing buttons where they get maximum visibility. If you use a social slider, you should also know when they should slide in, so that users don’t get annoyed while reading your content. This listicle explains when and where to place the social sharing buttons, so that people click on them more often.

      • Using emotional cues in your headlines to get more conversions. Even though logic is very important, emotions play a very important role when we make a purchase. This listicle also teaches you how to use emotional cues to get the maximum out of your social media campaigns.

        Read Kissmetric’s listicle here

Let us know in the comments below, which of these helped you the most with your efforts.

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