Weekly Digest – Week 4 – 05.02.2018 to 11.02.2018

For the past few weeks, I have been posting some nice info on different sub-topics of internet marketing. This week, I decided to make it a little bit interesting by adding some internet marketing jokes. Beware: If you’re not that much into internet marketing, most of these wouldn’t make any sense to you

Internet Marketing Jokes

  • What does an SEO expert and a part time chiropractor fix? —- Back links
  • Why do SEOs love the farmer’s market? —- Lots of organic content
  • Why is it wrong to have lots of Pandas in the same cage at the Zoo? —- It could be considered stuffing!
  • Why did the SEO expert cross the road? —- To get hit with traffic
  • Why did Tiger Woods start studying SEO? —- To get his #1 ranking back
  • What room was Matt Cutts trying to find when he got lost at the SEO Conference? —- Room 404
  • Why do SEOs hate watery oatmeal? —- Thin content
  • How do you get people to notice you online? — You have to really make an impression
  • What is a movie director’s favorite part of a paid search ad? — The call to ACTION!
  • What do religion and paid search advertisers have in common? — They really want people to convert
  • Why did the woman dump her marketer boyfriend? — Lack of engagement
  • Why did the marketing couple decide not to get married? — Because they weren’t on the same landing page
  • Why did the marketer get off the trampoline? — He was worried about his bounce rate
  • Read more such awesome jokes here: Mrs.Digital, socialseeder

    Some internet marketing pick up lines

    • I did a Google image search for gorgeous with no advanced filters and your picture was the first result.
    • You make me want to optimize myself.
    • I checked. The alt text for your picture is “hot damn!”
    • If only there was a Google map to your heart.
    • I’ve got an algorithm that includes you, me, some Mountain Dew and an XBox.

    Read more such awesome internet marketing stuff here

    And here are some pins to make you laugh

    And some videos:

    • This one’s on aggressive marketing

    • This classic one from Google Analytics about finding why your customers are leaving your shopping cart

    • About buying clicks

    • A random one

    • This is really the best

    So, which one did you find funny? Let me know in the comments below:

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