5 Simple Social Media Link Building Strategies For Better SERPs

If you are a website owner or manage one, you know how important link-building is for SEO. Most new bloggers and website owners believe in the old adage which says “content is the king” and ignore link building until a later stage when they realize their mistake.

Link-building and content creation should go hand in hand in order to rank your website on the search engines. To put in simple words, backlinks to your website make your webpage rank and your content maintains this ranking.

Social media link building strategies - picture of different social media logos
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If you analyze any top website, you will realize that social media plays an important role in their link-building process. Many web marketers ignore social media when it comes to link-building.

They say that a no-follow link will not bring any value to their site but forget that social media can also be used to generate a lot of latent dofollow links. A powerful nofollow link is as good as a dofollow link if not better.

Social media offers a lot of link-building opportunities if you use it correctly. Let us discuss some effective techniques which will help you learn how to use social media for link building easily.

How to use social media for link-building

  1. Add all your links to your social media profiles
  2. This may sound elementary but not many people include their website links or post links in their social media profiles.

    Many SEO experts simply link their pages to their profiles on Facebook personal profiles, fan pages, business profiles, and group pages. This adds credibility to your website and is the first step to building powerful backlinks through social media. Also add the links to any profile bio, images, or videos you share on your own page or profile.

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  3. Encourage social shares
  4. The more social shares your blog post or website gets, the more easily it will generate backlinks. Brands and websites love to quote viral content and these social shares will make your link reach a larger audience.

    Your website or any blog post should be easy to share on social media. Your readers or even you should be able to share it on all major social media platforms.

    Make sure that your sharing buttons are easily reachable and open the correct pages. Use attractive floating buttons and share bars at the bottom with appropriate links to generate more shares.

    using social media for link building
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  5. Reclaim deserved links
  6. It may happen sometimes that a website might have tried to link to you but did not succeed. You can track these websites which have given you broken links or missing links that you deserve using popular social media tools like Mention or through the Moz open site explorer.

    Track the mentions of your website by simply using this tool and then request them to repair the link or add a missing link. Since the websites already know you and want to mention you, asking them for a link is easy.

    You can also search for your brand hashtag on Twitter and Instagram to find out the people who have liked and shared your content.

    Another popular way to reclaim your links is using reverse image search tool. This will help you identify websites which have used your images on social media or their websites so that you can contact them for a backlink.

    Hot-linking the images is another great way to get quick backlinks.

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  7. Create visually appealing infographic and embed your website link in it.
  8. Using Infographics is the most powerful yet the most underused method to create backlinks. Most people find them to be too time-consuming and effort-taking. While creating a good infographic does take some time and efforts, they are too important to ignore.

    If you create a good infographic providing some important information compiled in a concise form, it will be shared by brands and people who are interested in the content.
    Infographics are one of the most shared contents on social media as they are visually appealing. Everybody prefers to glance through an infographic instead of reading a long article and this leads to more social shares.

    Even one good infographic with an embedded link back to your website can create more authority backlinks than ten posts put together.

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  9. Mentions big brands to get the attention of their fan bases or promote local events.
  10. Mentioning big brands or relevant websites on your social media pages is a great way to generate second-tier backlinks.

    The biggest advantage of this method is that you are not sharing your own content. In turn, the brands will share your content with their followers and you will get greater visibility. These links are called second-tier links.

    Make your content so engaging and visually appealing that brand and its followers are compelled to share it.

    Promoting local events is another quick and effective method to generate backlinks. You can either sponsor the event or promote it with your own link to your followers who in turn will share it further as events get a lot of shares.

    Make sure that the event you host or sponsor or promote is relevant to your website. Create an attractive event page on social media and link it to your website. This way, when people share this page about the event with their friends, the shares will lead back to your website through your link.

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Are you ready to use social media for link building?

These are five simple yet very effective strategies you can use to create powerful backlinks using social media. Do not discard social media thinking that it generates only nofollow links.

Any link which brings traffic back to your website is important in the eyes of search engines and social media is one of the biggest sources of traffic in the modern times. Even if you get a few powerful shares from big websites and viral pages, it can add to the links back to your website and the subsequent traffic significantly.

Recommended Reading: 16 Tips to get targeted traffic from Social media

How do you use social media to take your website to the next level?

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