Weekly Digest – Week 3 – 29.01.2018 to 04.02.2018

This week, I wanted to write about a single theme, and the most pressing topic of today is Content Syndication or Repurposing your Blog posts.

When I talk about content syndication, there are a couple of questions that will arise in your brain. What is it? Why should I do it? How can I do it? So, I decided to write about it today.

Before we get into the list for this week, I want to make a confession here – This week’s list is not arranged in terms of ranking, i.e., the first blog post is not the best among the several blog posts that I have read over the past week. I have just arranged the items in the list to aid your understanding and flow of the topic. You have to read the first blog post in the list to understand about the second blog post, and so on.

  1. This blog post by Neil Patel, The Step-by-Step Guide to Syndicating Content (Without Screwing up Your SEO) goes in-depth into content syndication.

    Screenshot of the website www.neilpatel.com
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  2. I agree that this is not the best blog post available on content syndication, but it is very much helpful if you don’t know anything about the topic.

    • Main structure of the article

    • This blog post has several sections.

      1. A comparison – Content syndication vs guest posting

      2. 3 possible downsides of content syndication

      3. How to do SEO friendly content syndication – A 5-step process

      4. A simple case-study on how ‘Buffer gets consistent traffic through content syndication

    • Main takeaways

      • The second biggest takeaway for me is the step-by-step SEO friendly content syndication process. Our biggest fear regarding content syndication is that, Google might penalize our website for duplicate content. This 5 step process clearly explains how you can avoid that.

      • Neil Patel has linked to relevant resources throughout the article. For me, this is the biggest takeaway because, it makes reading this blog post so much fun and informative.

        Read Neil Patel’s blog post here

  3. If there was only one place I want to go, to learn about content syndication, it would be Denise Wakeman’s newsletter. This is exactly where I learnt about content syndication..

    Before you start thinking ‘OK. This guy is affiliated with Denise Wakeman and promoting her, just because he is getting paid by her’, let me tell you, “I am not affiliated to her in anyway. Indeed she doesn’t even know that I exist. It’s just that I found her newsletter to be extremely valuable, and I wanted to share it with you. “

    • How to get access?

      • Go to Denise Wakeman’s website.

      • Click on ‘FREE 7 Day Visibility Challenge’ in the left side menu bar. (Look at the picture below)

      • In the following window that appears, enter your name and email address to sign up. She sends you a daily email for 7 days. Each day outlines a single method of content syndication and the platforms where you can do it. What’s more! She also has a closed group in Facebook where she will share your posts in these platforms and get you the initial traffic and followers you need. So, just get started today!

        screenshot of the website at www.denisewakeman.com/
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        Get started with Denise Wakeman today

  4. If you signed up to Denise Wakeman’s newsletter or if you knew a little about Content syndication, you would have definitely heard about Medium. Medium is a blogging platform. But, what it has gained a lot of attraction as a syndication platform. It lets you import your blog post into the platform. That’s it. There’s no tedious cut, copy, paste and formatting problems here. All you need to do is publish your blog post and then give the url to create a similar blog post.

    A lot of people have managed to get a lot of exposure in medium thereby getting huge number of website visitors and sales. But, it is tricky to get a following in medium. It’s not so easy. The problem is, there is no pre-written formula for gaining followers. That is until now.

    This blog post by Wordstream 7 Medium optimization tips to get your article to go hot provides some awesome insights and innovative strategies to gain thousands of followers in medium.
    screenschot of the website www.wordstream.com
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    • Main structure of the article

      • This blog post is a list-type article.

    • Main takeaways

      • If you have time to read only two points out of the seven, read point 2 (The right way to promote your Medium posts to get followers) and point 7 (Reaching out to medium publications). For me, these are the biggest takeaways from this article.

      • Neil Patel has linked to relevant resources throughout the article. For me, this is the biggest takeaway because, it makes reading this blog post so much fun and informative.

        Read the 7 Medium tips now

Which of these three blog posts did you find the most useful, and why?

Don’t be shy. Let your voice be heard. Comment and let us know.

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